Contributor and Development Docs
Learn the processes and technical information needed for contributing to GitLab.
This content is intended for members of the GitLab Team as well as community contributors. Content specific to the GitLab Team should instead be included in the Handbook.
For information on using GitLab to work on your own software projects, see the GitLab user documentation.
For information on working with the GitLab APIs, see the API documentation.
For information about how to install, configure, update, and upgrade your own GitLab instance, see the administration documentation.
Get started
- Set up the GitLab development environment with the GitLab Development Kit (GDK)
GitLab contributing guide
Issues workflow for more information about:
- Issue tracker guidelines.
- Triaging.
- Labels.
- Feature proposals.
- Issue weight.
- Regression issues.
- Technical or UX debt.
Merge requests workflow for more
information about:
- Merge request guidelines.
- Contribution acceptance criteria.
- Definition of done.
- Dependencies.
- Style guides
- Implement design & UI elements
Issues workflow for more information about:
- GitLab Architecture Overview
- Rake tasks for development
- Guide on adapting existing and introducing new components
- Code review guidelines for reviewing code and having code reviewed
- Database review guidelines for reviewing database-related changes and complex SQL queries, and having them reviewed
- Secure coding guidelines
- Pipelines for the GitLab project
Complementary reads:
- GitLab core team & GitLab Inc. contribution process
- Security process for developers
- Patch release process for developers
- Guidelines for implementing Enterprise Edition features
- Adding a new service component to GitLab
- Guidelines for changelogs
- Dependencies
- Danger bot
- Requesting access to ChatOps on (for GitLab team members)
Development guidelines review
When you submit a change to the GitLab development guidelines, who you ask for reviews depends on the level of change.
Wording, style, or link changes
Not all changes require extensive review. For example, MRs that don't change the content's meaning or function can be reviewed, approved, and merged by any maintainer or Technical Writer. These can include:
- Typo fixes.
- Clarifying links, such as to external programming language documentation.
- Changes to comply with the Documentation Style Guide that don't change the intent of the documentation page.
Specific changes
If the MR proposes changes that are limited to a particular stage, group, or team, request a review and approval from an experienced GitLab Team Member in that group. For example, if you're documenting a new internal API used exclusively by a given group, request an engineering review from one of the group's members.
After the engineering review is complete, assign the MR to the Technical Writer associated with the stage and group in the modified documentation page's metadata.
If you have questions or need further input, request a review from the Technical Writer assigned to the Development Guidelines.
Broader changes
Some changes affect more than one group. For example:
- Changes to code review guidelines.
- Changes to commit message guidelines.
- Changes to guidelines in feature flags in development of GitLab.
- Changes to feature flags documentation guidelines.
In these cases, use the following workflow:
Request a peer review from a member of your team.
Request a review and approval of an Engineering Manager (EM) or Staff Engineer who's responsible for the area in question:
You can skip this step for MRs authored by EMs or Staff Engineers responsible for their area.
If there are several affected groups, you may need approvals at the EM/Staff Engineer level from each affected area.
After completing the reviews, consult with the EM/Staff Engineer author / approver of the MR.
If this is a significant change across multiple areas, request final review and approval from the VP of Development, the DRI for Development Guidelines, @clefelhocz1.
After all approvals are complete, review the page's metadata to find a Technical Writer who can help you merge the changes. for final content review and merge. The Technical Writer may ask for additional approvals as previously suggested before merging the MR.
Reviewer values
Introduced in GitLab 14.1.
As a reviewer or as a reviewee, make sure to familiarize yourself with the reviewer values we strive for at GitLab.
UX and Frontend guides
- GitLab Design System, for building GitLab with existing CSS styles and elements
- Frontend guidelines
- Emoji guide
Backend guides
- Directory structure
- GitLab utilities
- Newlines style guide
- Logging
- Dealing with email/mailers
- Kubernetes integration guidelines
- Permissions
- Code comments
- Windows Development on GCP
- FIPS compliance
guidelines- Ruby upgrade guidelines
Things to be aware of
- Gotchas to avoid
- Avoid modules with instance variables, if possible
- Guidelines for reusing abstractions
- Ruby 3 gotchas
Rails Framework related
- Routing
- Rails initializers
- Mass Inserting Models
- Issuable-like Rails models
- Issue types vs first-class types
- DeclarativePolicy framework
- Rails update guidelines
Git specifics
- API style guide for contributing to the API
- GraphQL API style guide for contributing to the GraphQL API
GitLab components and features
- Developing against interacting components or features
- Manage feature flags
- Licensed feature availability
- Accessing session data
- How to dump production data to staging
- Geo development
- Redis guidelines
- Sidekiq guidelines for working with Sidekiq workers
- Working with Gitaly
- Elasticsearch integration docs
- Working with Merge Request diffs
- Approval Rules
- Repository mirroring
- File uploads
- Auto DevOps development guide
- Renaming features
- Code Intelligence
- Feature categorization
- Wikis development guide
- Image scaling guide
- Cascading Settings
- Shell commands in the GitLab codebase
- Value Stream Analytics development guide
- Application limits
- Working with the GitHub importer
- Import/Export development documentation
- Test Import Project
- Group migration
- Export to CSV
Language-specific guides
Go guides
Shell Scripting guides
Performance guides
- Performance guidelines for writing code, benchmarks, and certain patterns to avoid.
- Caching guidelines for using caching in Rails under a GitLab environment.
- Merge request performance guidelines for ensuring merge requests do not negatively impact GitLab performance
- Profiling a URL, measuring performance using Sherlock, or tracking down N+1 queries using Bullet.
- Cached queries guidelines, for tracking down N+1 queries masked by query caching, memory profiling and why should we avoid cached queries.
Database guides
See database guidelines.
Integration guides
- Jira Connect app
- Security Scanners
- Secure Partner Integration
- How to run Jenkins in development environment
- How to run local
integration for Web IDE Live Preview
Testing guides
Refactoring guides
Deprecation guides
Documentation guides
Internationalization (i18n) guides
Product Intelligence guides
Experiment guide
Build guides
- Licensing for ensuring license compliance
Domain-specific guides
Other Development guides
- Defining relations between files using projections
- Reference processing
- Compatibility with multiple versions of the application running at the same time
- Features inside
- Dashboards for stage groups
- Preventing transient bugs
- GitLab Application SLIs